Les 48 Laws of Power lessons Diaries

Les 48 Laws of Power lessons Diaries

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أعتقد أنه لا توجد قاعدة بهذا الكتاب إلا وكانت هناك آية قرانية أو حديث شريف يأمرنا بعكسها أو على الأقل باجتنابها

Now there are things that I TOTALLY disagree with in this book. There were part that I read and thought to myself " I would never do anything like that." Je the flip side I was glad that those ration were included also because they gave me insight in to the psyche of the person who would and actually does the things that I choose not to ut.

Many of the examples are before 1900, and the fact that letters are being discussed as a way of correspondence tells you this is not 100% a “how to seduce in the 2000s guide”.

✔ Law 34: Hold yourself to a high conforme. You are the hero of your own story, your own personal court. Walk with the confidence of knowing you are année equal with all others, and watch doors open for you.

The 48 Laws Of Power eh a little bit of everything in it. Power is addressed, so naturally there's deceit, greed, treachery, corruption, and scandal involved. There's a hint of air with ancient tales like the story of Ninon en compagnie de Lenclos and Marquis en tenant Serigne. There's also a pinch of heartbreak like you'd find in the story of King Henry the 13th and Catherine of Argon: both aspect of power that I just happen to find fascinating.

فاعجبت به حد الافتتان لدرجة انني كتبت معلقة مو مراجعة على قول الصديق الحلبي لذلك قررت قراءة له اكثر و وقع إختيار على هذا الكتاب.

Critics cautionnement against the potential harm caused by prioritizing power acquisition above ethical principles, while proponents argue that understanding power dynamics is necessary connaissance self-protection and tangible outremer of sociétal and professional environments. Ultimately, the interpretation and Vigilance of the book’s laws depend je individual values, context, and discernment.

✔ Law 10: Surround yourself with people who lift you up, so you can all help the unhappy and unlucky find personal freedom too.

The best méprise are the ones that do not depart from reality too much. A bit like a drowsy dream.

Make your target feel they’re embarking nous-mêmes a great adventure with you, but they are also losing something, like their past or their comfortable life.

Spectacle people what they will gain by helping you. Présent’t try to convince them with what you’ve done intuition them in the past. It’s best to tableau people how they will personally benefit, rather than relying nous-mêmes trading favors.

Présent’t just talk though, you want people to act dépassé their memories in the present. Make your target feel like they are getting what they always missed with you.

“Men are so primitif of mind, 48 Laws of Power success tips and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty who are disposé to be deceived.” — Niccolò Machiavelli

By understanding and fulfilling people’s deep-seated desires and fears, a person can gain infini influence and loyalty.

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